China reaffirms commitment to reform, opening up at “two sessions”
China reaffirms commitment to reform, opening up at “two sessions”
How DeepSeek is rewriting AI’s future
The article reflects the author’s opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.
Нэгдүгээр улирлын НӨАТ-ын баримтаа 8-ны дотор бүртгүүлнэ үү
2020 оноос эхлээд НӨАТ-ын буцаан олголтыг улирал тутам олгодог болсон
С.Даваасүрэн: Нийслэлд уламжлалт зуухны хэрэглээг хориглоно
С.Даваасүрэн: Нийслэлд уламжлалт зуухны хэрэглээг хориглоно
Ч.Буянжаргал: Уламжлалт, гар хийцийн зуухнаас татгалзах шаардлагатай
Ч.Буянжаргал: Уламжлалт, гар хийцийн зуухнаас татгалзах шаардлагатай
COVID-19 vaccinations, all prior restrictions imposed in connection with the pandemic situation are being lifted
Global Economy to Expand by 4% in 2021
Development risks remain as economic activity, incomes likely to stay low for extended period
Germany could fine Facebook €500,000 for each fake news post
The language used suggests this would be for all social media sites, although Social Democratic Party parliamentary chairman Thomas Oppermann did single out Facebook specifically in comments to Der Spiegel.
Oyu Tolgoi is expected to produce 100,000-140,000 ounces of gold in concentrates
Read this press release from Turqoise Hill resourses official announcement
Housing price index in Ulaanbaatar - Nov, 2016
HPI was calculated by applying Hedonic regression methods and the calculation was based on the information available for 4938 old and new houses supplied for sale at the real estate market of Ulaanbaatar for the particular month.
Putin, Abe agree on joint Russia-Japan activities on Kuril Islands
Putin and Abe had to discuss the issue one-on-one after Russian and Japanese experts failed to agree on the wording of the statement, he added.
Chinese buyer pays record US$21m for stunning red jade imperial seal, 20 times estimated value
The emperor was known to be a talented calligrapher and poet and this seal was one he used to sign his works.
Oyu Tolgoi resumes shipments
Turquoise hill resources announced that Oyu Tolgoi has resumed concentrate shipments
Territorial claims come from Tokyo, not Moscow, Putin tells Japanese reporters
“We believe that we have no territorial problems whatsoever. It is Japan who believes it has territorial disputes with Russia.
Colombia plane crash: Chapecoense player expected to return to football
A Brazilian footballer who survived Monday’s devastating plane crash in Colombia is recovering and could return to football, according to his father.
BoM holds FX auction
The BoM din not receive any bid offers of swap agreements from commercial banks.
Mongolia: Thousands at risk of homelessness due to authorities’ urban redevelopment failings
The Mongolian authorities’ are failing residents of Ulaanbaatar with an urban redevelopment process that is putting thousands of people at risk of forced eviction and homelessness, Amnesty International said in a report published today.
You Already Know Who Time Has Named Its Person of Year
Maybe sooner. So there was little surprise Wednesday when the magazine gave the title to Donald Trump.
Pakistan mourns 47 killed in air crash, as investigators seek answers
Engine trouble was initially believed responsible, but many questions remain, stirring new worries about the safety record of money-losing state carrier Pakistani International Airlines.
There is a heart-wrenching story behind the video of man PUNCHING kangaroo after it attacked his dog
There is a heart-wrenching story behind the video of man PUNCHING kangaroo after it attacked his dog